By logging our forests we are eliminating this side of the cycle. The Wilderness Society is a community-based environmental protection organisation. They work to safeguard our sources of clean water and air, to tackle devastating climate change, to create a safe future for life on Earth, and to give a better world to our children. The majority of our work is in Australia, with a strong focus on natural environments and the role they play in keeping our world safe.
Click here to hear the interview with Amelia Young, Acting Forest Campaigner from The Wilderness Society.
What can you do to help?
- Visit http://www.wilderness.org.au/
- Attend the Rally in Warburton, Sunday 23rd November, 2008, 11:45am at the rotunda Warburton Hwy., Warburton
- Attend the Forests & Climate Change Action Forum, Thursday 27th November, 2008, 7pm at Field Naturalists Club of Victoria, 1 Gardenia Street, Blackburn
- Email: john.brumby@parliament.vic.gov.au and CC: gavin.jennings@parliament.vic.gov.au and john.lenders@parliament.vic.gov.au
- Write to The Age, The Herald Sun and online publications about your opposition to logging old growth forests.
- Visit the JOY 94.9 studios at Level 9/225 Bourke Street, Melbourne and pick up The Wilderness Society postcards that you can mail to PM Kevin Rudd and your State Member of Parliament
- Become a volunteer of The Wilderness Society
Amelia Young can be contacted on (03) 9038 0888 or amelia.young@wilderness.org.au