Greens MLC Colleen Hartland plans on introducing legislation that will allow Victorians to return used drink containers a receive a 10c refund. The scheme will cover glass and plastic bottles, aluminium cans as well as drink cartons. Currently in Victoria local councils and their rate payers currently foot the bill for rubbish and litter. A 10c deposit system would save councils $15.2 million, by shifting the cost away from councils towards those who create the litter. In fact Ms Hartland proposes that the scheme would be self funding from a $63.5 million unredeemed deposit fund.
The concept is not entirely a new one. Our neighbouring Adelaide has been running a recycling scheme for decades. Various schemes around the world include:
- In California, where the scheme not only funds itself, but pays for education programs about recycling.
- New York’s Returnable Container Act, better known as the “Bottle Bill” requires a 5-cent refundable deposit on beer and soda containers sold in New York. The bottle bill has been New York's most successful recycling and litter prevention program. Since the law was enacted in 1982, more than 90 billion bottles and cans have been returned and recycled through the bottle bill.
- In Norway, where there are 9,000 depots, including thousands of Reverse Vending Machines.
Click here to listen to Colleen discuss her proposed scheme.
For more information contact:
Liz Ingham
Office of Colleen Hartland MLC
Western Metropolitan Region
A: 75 Victoria Street, Seddon 3011
P: 9689 6373
M: 0409 333 595
F: 9689 6227
E: elizabeth.ingham@parliament.vic.gov.au
W: http://mps.vic.greens.org.au/
Colleen is also running a series of public meetings in her electorate of Western Metropolitan Region in April and May
Wednesday 22 April - Sunshine - 7.30pm Sunsine Masonic Lodge, 93 Hampshire Road, Sunshine
Monday 27 April - Inner West - 7.30pm - West Footscray Primary School - Argyle Street West Footscray - Off Barkley Street
Monday 4 May - Moonee Valley - 7.30pm Ascot Vale Uniting Church, 60-64 Maribyrnong Rd, Moonee Ponds.
Monday 11 May - Williamstown / Newport area - 7.30pm - Newport Community Hall, 13-15 Mason St, Newport.
Wednesday 13 May - Caroline Springs - 7.30pm - Caroline Springs Library & Civic Centre, 193-201 Caroline Springs Blvd. corner of Lake St, Caroline Springs.
Also: Public Rally - Sunday 17 May - Parliament House, 2pm.