This year, the highest quota ever — 91,000 cape fur seals — are set to be killed. Most pups will be so young that they are still being nursed by their mothers. The terrified pups will be rounded up, separated from their mothers and brutally clubbed to death.
The market for Namibian Cape Fur Seal skins has collapsed over recent years due to lack of demand and import bans in the European Union, the United States, Mexico and South Africa because of the cruelty involved in the sealing methods. As of 2008, there was only one company left buying seal skins from Namibia — Hatem Yavuz.
An international campaign to expose and pressure Hatem Yavuz has been started by Seal Alert-South Africa. Please add your voice and express your outrage to Hatem Yavuz for their culpability in animal cruelty, and call on them to commit to never again buying Namibian Cape Fur Seal skins.
Visit http://www.animalsaustralia.org/ and send an email directly to Hatem Yavuz
Click here to listen to the interview with Glenys Oogjes of Animals Australia.
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