G-Star was originally named Gap Star but decided to change their name upon going international. The brand specializes in making RAW denim - an unwashed, untreated denim in which all jeans start out as after being constructed. G-Star is clearly identified by their military styling as well as influences from other European trends. Interpreting fashion for their modern day individual with unique features such as special mobile-phone pockets and zippered arm pockets on jackets.
G Star Raw is promote their genuine ambition to contribute to a better world by guaranteeing good working conditions in the factories, developing more sustainable products and reducing our impact on the environment. One major way they have done this is by producing an organic cotton range. Is this a one off gimmick? Not at all. G Star Raw is working towards increasing the use of organic cotton in all of their denim products.
To find out more, click here to listen to the interview with Chris Bennett of Denim Enterprises and G Star Raw.
Find out the latest about G Star Raw at http://www.g-star.com/
Read about substainable cotton production at http://www.sustainablecotton.org/
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