A collection of those who protect, preserve and promote the beauty of our Earth
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Something New Zealand needs to give a sh*t about
Asia Pulp and Paper, also known as APP and based in Singapore, is one of the largest pulp and paper companies in the world. They produce paper and paper products in Indonesia, China, and India. A visit to their website http://www.asiapulppaper.com/ shows a green forest with sounds of wind blowing and birds singing with a slogan of "We support actions for economic, social and environmental sustainability". The soundtrack is quite soothing actually, I've been chilling out to it for about 45 minutes now. However looking through the rest of their site doesn't bring results as relaxing. Under the "Sustainability & CSR" section you find their sustainability reports. Interestingly the last one for Indonesia is from 2007 and they show none for China or India.
Recent Greenpeace investigations have shown APP to be involved in widespread rainforest clearance in Indonesia. Although APP deny these allegations, forensic testing of their products revealed the presence of mixed hardwood rainforest timber in some products. To see the full story of the investigation, please visit: http://www.greenpeace.org/new-zealand/en/news/blog/barbie-and-the-bog-roll-the-rainforest-connec/blog/37206/. It just so happens that APP owns a popular toilet paper brand called Cottonsoft sold at major New Zealand supermarkets including Progressives and Foodstuffs.
Greenpeace is now campaigning to have Cottonsoft taken off the shelves of the supermarket giants. Since the campaign started The Warehouse (similar to Wal-Mart in the USA) has suspended orders and Foodstuffs have ordered an independent audit of Cottonsoft's supply chain.
Check out this video showing the impact of the Endangered Sumatran tigers of which less than 400 still live in these forests. Consider that even if a company is to replant trees later, the act of deforestation disrupts tigers and other wildlife's territories and general wellbeing.
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