Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Save the Koala...later

Yesterday amidst the excitement of the Melbourne Cup, Federal Environment Minister Tony Burke announced that he was postponing his decision on whether the add koalas to the national threatened list. The announcement was due by the end of October, however he has moved the date back to 17 February 2012. I just hope he isn't overwhelmed with Valentine's Day festivities to get distracted again!

Minister Burke says he requires extra time to consider the new information and to seek further advice from the Threatened Species Scientific Committee in light of new population data recently acquired. However CEO of the Australian Koala Foundation believes that Minister Burke plans to "appease the Victorian Government to not list the koala because it will upset logging interests in that State. It is also interesting to note that the New South Wales State Minister has recently said that 'logging is good for koalas'."

To read the full reaction of the CEO Deborah Tabart OAM visit this page: https://www.savethekoala.com/deborahtabartsdesk.html

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